A Church




Welcome to the Neighborhood

We are a church walking into the fullness of Christ in every area, becoming into the fullness of Christ-likeness. We strive to be wholehearted followers of Jesus who invite you and our neighbors to pursue and experience the fullness of God’s shalom with us.

Neighborhood Presence

We participate in neighborhood ministries and organizations.

Emotional Health

We use the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality curriculum to slow down spirituality.

Intercessory Prayer

We believe God hears our prayers and responds to His children.


Weekly small groups, monthly breakfasts, and Kids Church every Sunday—building faith together.

Join us Sundays at 10:30

Sunday Services

Our Sunday service is life-giving and Jesus-centered. Worship is vibrant. Stories of God at work are encouraging. Sermons are rooted in Scripture, practical, and powerful.

For May – October, during fair weather, Sunday services are outdoors at Elmhurst Park at 27 Elmhurst Street in Dorchester. Services are 10:30am – 12:00pm.

After the Worship portion, kids ages 3 – 12 years are dismissed to Kids Church.

(For November – April, we will be indoors at the Auditorium Room at the Boys and Girls Club at 15 Talbot Avenue in Dorchester.)

We can also be found on-line at our Facebook public page.

Our Life Is an Act of Worship

A community that cares about Shalom.

“Shalom” is the Hebrew word in the Bible that refers to the “peace” and “wholeness” that God intended for the entire creation. To restore “shalom” in the world and in us, God gave His Son Jesus, and gives His Spirit. We participate in God’s work of restoring that “shalom” in our city, neighborhoods, families, and relationships.

Our Members


I see the Lord gearing up Neighborhood Church to make a real measurable impact on the Dorchester community. Collectively and individually, our members have a real heart for “the least of these” often because we are them in some way or another.


NCD is the church I always dreamed about being a part of: a community that puts faith into practice by tangibly loving our neighborhood. I continually see people giving up their kingdom for God’s kingdom. It’s one of the most authentic community of believers that I’ve been a part of.


The atmosphere is relaxed and people have a passion to not only explain the love of God, but to help you feel it. The church comes together for the neighborhood.


My hope for the neighborhood is that it would experience the true Love of God and that Neighborhood Church would be instrumental in expresses that Love.


10:30 am




Boys and Girls Club
15 Talbot Avenue
Dorchester, MA 02124

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